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What Time Is It? What Time Is It?

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What Time Is It?

Posted by: Christina Moore on Sat, Jul 11, 2015

What Time Is It?


Yes we’re in the last days and the signs of times are before us.  Lawlessness is on the Loose.  It is pertinent that we examine ourselves, continue, steadfast in the Apostle Doctrine and that we prepare to meet our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  In I Peter 1:17-18, it tells us that judgment will begin in the house of God.  “If the righteous one is scarcely saved, then where will the ungodly and sinners appear.”

Mathew the 24th Chapter reveals some of the signs of the times of the last days.  It tells us, in verse 12, “And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.”  Walking in the Spirit of Lawlessness or allowing it to prevail is a spiritual crime.  Lawlessness always challenges God’s authority, and is ultimately designed to hurt people. 

When one’s love toward God grows cold, families become broken, servants of God fall into the pit of temptation and sin, strife is birth, tale bearing travels, envy grows, iniquity is manifested, one’s joy seeps out, hope is devastated, complacency sets in, and churches split.

Relinquish this tool it does not build up, but only tear down.  Remember, it is Satan that comes to steal, kill, and destroy; but Jesus Christ comes that we may have life and that more abundantly.  I admonish you to choose life – For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world (prestige, social status, wealth; and fulfillment of one’s fleshly desires) and lose his soul.

Remember – Salvation without Education is frustration, but Education without Salvation, is Damnation - Choose Jesus.


Dr. Christina Moore

Copyright 2002

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