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Brokenness Turned Into Miraculous Wholeness Brokenness Turned Into Miraculous Wholeness

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Brokenness Turned Into Miraculous Wholeness

Posted by: Christina Moore on Fri, Feb 28, 2014

Excerpt from Master's Thesis 1998

The following is an excerpt from my Master’s thesis. As you read, you will embark on an excursion into the potter's house in which you will have the opportunity to silently observe the making of a vessel of honor in the most intricate and delicate stage. You will be able to identify with the passion, pain, and persevering cry for deliverance as that of a woman travailing in birth; waiting for her destiny to come forth. In Isaiah chapter forty-nine, verse five, described a situation in which the household of Israel encountered calamities from depending on man's wisdom and knowledge. God informed Israel that He was going to redeem them and cause them to be that which He desired. The road that was being constructed for the children of Israel left them with no control of the plans. God asked the question to the household of Israel; "...shall the clay say to Him that fashioneth it, what makest thou?...."

This research will also deal with the state of brokenness in various aspects as it relates to the development and maturity of one who accepts and walks into the fullness of their calling. Brokenness is a process by which an individual becomes strengthen and converted; thereby, allowing another to witness the miraculous wholeness of an individual or a situation that appears to be unredeemable in the sight of man. Once you have received the potter's touch and have endured the fiery furnace you will emerge pure, victorious, and completely whole.

Brokenness is an attribute or state that stems from a multitude of components (trials, blessing, receiving of the anointing and power of God). When one thinks of brokenness, it is usually in relation to being broken-hearted. When a person is said to be broken-hearted, they usually have endured or is enduring excruciating emotional pain due to a broken relationships, abandonment, divorce, false accusation, ridicule and disliked by peers as well as authoritative figures. (Meyers 9)

It is through the spirit of brokenness that God can use this mechanism to assist in the development of a vessel of honor. Brokenness is a tool utilized to bring about a phenomenal change in one's perception about life spiritually or naturally. It is a character molder and enhancement to encourage the surrendering of one's own will to God's divine will; that is if you embrace it and allow it to work. The word of God tells us to take up our cross and follow Jesus. Jesus Christ's earthly life revolved around his death to the cross. This means we must mortify the deeds of our flesh and submit our human will to God; so that the spirit of God which is placed inside of us can arise and manifest the glory of God. In doing this, we will meet brokenness on the journey of righteousness. "Brokenness will not greet you as the gentle companion you will one day learn to appreciate. Neither will she approach you with a smile or an encouraging word. No, like a vain woman, coveting the attention of everyone around her. Brokenness will accost you with a depth of reality you cannot ignore and a compelling voice that will demand a response." (Nori 13)

Brokenness is a double-blade tool used to drive us into God's divine will. Brokenness will bring our will into captivity to submit to God's will. Brokenness causes one to do good, to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who mistreat you. (Luke 6:27) In Psalms chapter fifty-one, verse seventeen says, "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, thou will not despise." It is at this point in one's life that you can relate to the compassion that is needed by a wounded soul. (Luke 6:27)

In Psalms chapter fifty-one, verse seventeen says, "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, thou will not despise." It is at this point in one's life that you can relate to the compassion that is needed by a wounded soul. "Brokenness comes to you quietly, compassionately: to the comfort of your private place of prayer, where a man does real business with God. She hears your complaint before the Lord. She hears you pleading for mercy, if not for deliverance from the things that so often seem to separate you from God." (Nori 37)

Joseph(That We May Have Life)

Genesis the thirty-seventh chapter discusses the life of a vessel of honor in the making. In the beginning of Joseph's life, like a piece of clay that was not fashioned into definitive form; life seem to be going smooth for him. Although he was hated by his brothers for the dreams that he had; he was comfortable because of the favor he received from his father. In Genesis 37:7, Joseph shared a dream that he had with his brothers. "For, behold, we were binding sheaves in the field, and, lo, my sheaf arose, and also, stood upright; and behold, your sheaves stood round about, and made obeisance (bowed down in respect) to my sheaf." Joseph's brothers were furious and appalled at his dream. But, Joseph dreamed another dream that eventually caused him (the clay) to feel the potter's (God's) touch in motion.

In Genesis chapter thirty-seven, verse nine, "...and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance (bowed down in respect) to me." Joseph's father rebuked him for this dream. It was then that Brokenness greeted Joseph. Brokenness greeted him in the dark pit where he was cast down in at the hands of his brothers. This had to be difficult for Joseph to understand from a natural point of view. But brokenness had just begun her work. Mercy prevailed as Joseph was put into Potipher's house (an Egyptian officer). Brokenness was still at work as Joseph refused the solicitation of Potiphar's wife, which caused him to be imprisoned. Joseph continued to allow his gift to function. For he not only dreamed dreams, but was an interpreter of what he dreamed through God's divine revelation.

It was this turning point in which the miraculous wholeness and the completion of the art work was bout to be put on exhibit. A dream shared with another servant (cook) causing his life to be spared and his return back in to the Pharaoh's palace was the hope for Joseph of his miracle. A transformation, a changing of direction; and the hand of God begin to turn Joseph's life that seem to be filled with betrayal, rejection, falsely accused, and no self-worth into blessings. God caused that which He had placed inside of Joseph to come operative and manifest. And when Pharaoh’s wise men could not comprehend or interpret his dream; it was only a set up by God; in order to bring Joseph into his place of destiny. His gift brought him out of the dungeon into Pharaoh's palace, thus making him second in command over all of Egypt.


Meyers, Joyce. Beauty For Ashes, Receiving Emotional Healing, 1994, Harrison House, Inc. Tulsa, Oklahoma74153.

Nori, Don. The Power Of Brokeness, 1997, Destiny Publishers, Inc., Shippensburg, Pennsylvania17257.

Barker, Kenneth, etl, The NIV Study Bible, 1995, Zondervan Publishing House.




Dr. Christina Moore, Sr. Pastor

May 1998